france i ARLES | Les Rencontres 2023

"Immaqa, Un Hiver Au Groenland"
4, Place De la République
ARLES 13200

Anne Clergue is pleased to present

stephane Gautronneau « IMMAQA, un hiver au Groenland »

July 2-September 24, 2023

porte bleue 4, place de la République 13200 arles

Anne Clergue Galerie is pleased to present Stéphane Gautronneau's exhibition " IMMAQA, un hiver au Groenland " a series of photographs on the northwest coast of Greenland. This off-site exhibition will take place on Place de la République, just a few meters from the gallery, from Sunday, July 2. Along the Earth's last habitable parallel, fascinating landscapes bear witness to the singular beauty of Greenland, a territory punctuated by extreme weather. Everyone's life is built around "IMMAQA", a term that means "maybe, probably" in Kalaallisut. Ice and cold reign supreme, sculpting the landscape and imposing their will on the island's inhabitants. For eight weeks, Stéphane Gautronneau's work was guided by these "IMMAQA" “I like the weather to decide my schedule. The expression "par la force des choses" takes on its full meaning. This time again, I'm stuck here for eight weeks. No one can leave or arrive in Kullorsuaq.”

Arriving by dog sled in the middle of winter, he immediately gained the respect of Kullorsuaq's inhabitants. He then discovers this new environment that he will have to make his own, where the temperature approaches -50°C and light is available for only four hours a day. "Immaqa!" That's what Ole will say to Garamond;">phane Gautronneau when he realizes he's come here to photograph an iceberg caught in the pack ice, by moonlight. The initial objective of his trip was to be completed by a real journey into the heart of Inuit life. For eight weeks, the photographer documented the daily life of this remote population, whose animist traditions are crumbling. The new Inuit generation is disconnecting from its territory, reinventing itself on social networks. The exhibition is an extract from an astonishing journey immortalized thanks to a special piece of equipment: a digital back mounted on an analog chamber. Stéphane will be setting off on another expedition in February and March 2024 to continue documenting this ever-disappearing territory.

Workshop located in the French Pyrenees​

and by appointment until September 24, by contacting Anne Clergue Galerie

We warmly thank Monsieur éric pérez
for the location

As well as Brother Jean & Brother Joseph for their benediction in Aramaic.

Anne Clergue

"Stealing my own exhibition" / AtelierStephaneGautronneau



C32, VOGUE Paris, AirFrance Madame, GQ, STERN, AirFrance Magazine, Porter magazine, Le Madame Figaro, Esquire, Billionaire, Numero, ELLE, The New York Times, American Photographer, Gestalten, Up state new york, Edition assouline, Gallimard



2002 _ Palais De Tokyo | Neo

2010 _ Paris | Le Purgatoire | Heritage

2019 _ Anne Clergue Galerie | Arles

2022 _ L’Oeil Vert Paris

2023 _ Les rencontres | Arles

© Stéphane Gautronneau – All rights reserved.