Germany | France | UK | Switzerland | Spain


A Film documentary by Stephane Gautronneau

Director's Cut - 1h 19 min 53s

The Original Motodrom is the oldest traveling Wall Of Death in the world.
Built in 1928, it will soon be a 100 year old circus. The four “Motorellos” Capt Donald Ganslmeier, El Clemente, Peter Petersen, and The Flying Dutchman are keeping the soul of these machines alive by riding The Wall Of Death to entertain hundreds of thousands of people. For them, the same passion still burns.

Featuring Donald Ganslmeier, El Clement & Peter Petersen

Music by "TaleSwapper"

Shot over five years – June 2015 to August 2020 – ‘The Wall’ gives viewers a rare, in depth look into a disappearing profession and way of life. Beautiful and at times heartbreaking, we see through the expert eye of filmmaker Stéphane Gautronneau how the passion of these riders alone is what keeps the Wall Of Death alive today.
Featured in the Following Festivals

Pure & Crafted / Berlin / Germany

Coney Island Festival / New York State /USA

Cinema Leira / Teatro Miguel Franco /Portugal

Wheels & Waves / Biarritz / France

Motorcycle Film Festival / Toronto / Canada

Lisbone Film Festival / Lisbon / Portugal

TheMotosocial / HAmburg / Germany

Documentary | 74 minutes | France | 2021 | English | INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE



VOGUE, AirFrance Madame, GQ, STERN, C32, AirFrance Magazine, l’Équipe, Porter magazine, GEO, Le Madame Figaro, Esquire, Billionaire, Numéro, ELLE Italia, The New York Times, American Photographer, Gestalten, Up state new york, Edition assouline, Gallimard, YOLO



2002 _ Palais De Tokyo | Neo

2010 _ Paris | Le Purgatoire | Heritage

2019 _ Anne Clergue Galerie | Arles

2022 _ L’Oeil Vert | Paris

2023 _ Anne Clergue | Les Rencontres

© Stéphane Gautronneau – All rights reserved.